The Hauraki Gulf Alliance

The Hauraki Gulf Alliance

The Hauraki Gulf Alliance is a group of organisations, businesses and individuals that would like to see the Hauraki Gulf returned to its former abundant and healthy state. We are a diverse group that cross political and cultural divides and have come together to fight against the issues of  bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining.

The Alliance was formed through a collaboration of environmental and recreational fishing organisations calling for an end to destructive mobile bottom contact fishing methods that destroy the seabed in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.

Founding members of the Hauraki Gulf Alliance

Following the release of the Horizon Research poll indicating 84% of those living in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park area opposed the continued use of these methods, the Hauraki Gulf Alliance was formed as a way to show united support for a ban on bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining by 2024.

letter was sent in November 2021 to David Parker, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries requesting he add the removal of these fishing practices to the Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan, scheduled for consultation in the new year.

The unprecedented alliance includes the Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society (Forest & Bird), Greenpeace Aotearoa, WWF-NZ, Environmental Defence Society (EDS), the Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand (ECO), the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council (NZSFC), LegaSea, the New Zealand Underwater Association and the New Zealand Angling & Casting Association.

Why an alliance?

By showing a united front of diverse organisations and businesses we can show the government just how strong the feelings against bottom trawling and scallop dredging are.

With a large and politically diverse group we also reach a large proportion of the public to demonstrate the scale of opposition to these fishing methods.

Recent polling has shown that New Zealanders that live around the area love and enjoy the Hauraki Gulf and want to see it returned to a healthier and more abundant state. Removing these destructive fishing methods will be a huge step in achieving this.

The Minister of Oceans and Fisheries will listen if enough people get on board, so join the alliance and help make this happen.

Who’s currently in the alliance?

These founding organisations make up the start of the Hauraki Gulf Alliance – LegaSea, New Zealand Underwater Association (NZUA), Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC), Environmental Defence Society (EDS), WWF – New Zealand, The Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand (ECO), New Zealand Angling and Casting Association (NZACA) Yachting New Zealand and the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS).

Who can join the alliance?

We are asking any organisation, club, business or group that cares about the future of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park to join the alliance. We want to show a unified group of kiwis organisations standing behind this campaign. There are no strings. All we ask is that you agree to our charter.

Current members of the alliance

Gateway investments

Progressive plastering

Natural Logic Environmental Management Ltd

Ro-eco Construction


Saltwater Science Ltd

Peninsula Business Services

Market Aotearoa

AB Consultancy

Barak Investments

International Cargo Systems

JW Construction

Pitchblack Partners

Elite hydraulics

Parkland Products

K D M Membrane Roofing

Avenue Clothing Ltd

Christini Builders